Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 13

This is the 13th QUEST :

Sit silently for a few minutes and Draw your awareness of yourself as a CREATOR. Most of us miss this, that we are Creators. A simple example, even when you smile your creating something, by behaving in a particular way, you are creating something, by thinking some thoughts, your are creating something.

Like some people carry thought that "everybody is hurting me,everybody is hurting me", that thought is creating and that will become real. The awareness to be a CREATOR is to know all these that is happening and to be conscious with the results it produces. As you grow deeper in this awareness, you start becoming aware of your energy field and what this energy field brings to you. What you vibrate and what you attract?

Contemplate today for few minutes for your own creative ability and your own creative nature. See if yourself can recognize yourself as a CREATOR and the moment you become aware of that Creating state, act as a CREATOR today. REMEMBER YOU ARE A CREATOR AND ACT BY IT ! BE VERY CONSCIOUS OF THE THOUGHT, BE VERY CONSCIOUS OF THE RESPONSE. THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST POWER YOU GOT AS A HUMAN BEING AND TODAY MAKE IT A COMMITMENT TO TAKE IT BACK TO YOUR LIFE .....

try on........

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