Monday, August 31, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 29

Lets draw the attention today towards, EFFECTIVENESS. One of the quality for one to be effective is the quality of COMPLETION.

Investigate today, are you a person who complete things? DO YOU COMPLETE THINGS? DO YOU LIVE IN COMPLETION?

There's a habit with people, whatever they do things they never complete and it extends to many aspect of their life and end up their life becomes INCOMPLETE LIFE.

Today, dedicate your life to complete everything, every work, everything you have started, everything you have left behind. By the time you go to bed tonight, make sure you have completed everything for the day.

Live in completion today. Dedicate to complete everything. IF YOU TAKE A PEN, PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT. IF THERE IS A WORK TO BE DONE, COMPLETE IT. Bring this quality of completion into your life. THIS IS ONE THE QUALITY OF THE WISE. They live in a deep COMPLETION and one day you are COMPLETE.
go on...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 28


Lets do a simple exercise for today, find a few minutes, lie down and LET GO. Lie down and let the body be carried by the earth. Lie down and LET GO to the gravitational point.

Letting go has got many meanings, one of it is to let the BODY to LET GO. Today be mindful of what it feel to the body to let go, to rest, to relax, to allow existence to rejuvenate you.

Most of times the only way we rest the body is by sleeping. To let go the body means, to relax and to rest totally in a switch off mode.

Find some time today, in private and let go. If you sit on the chair, let the chair carry you. Be in a deep let go. Then you will suddenly discover existence is actually holding you, guiding you, loving you, shaping you. This is the one of the most profound realization. Many times we have this thought that we are alone, we are stuck in hole, we are helpless, but on the contrary, we are not. Vast energy of love guiding us. Existence itself protects us for living, but we lose hope and let go of living magnificently. People are so tight, people are so stress, they cant flow. They think they have to be in complete control, this is nonsense.

Go somewhere and lie down and know you don't have to do anything and the earth will carry you. Try to familiar yourself with the experience of letting go, see the truth comes of it.....

Give it a try.

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.
Thank-you Jason.
Rgds, Thian Yin

Friday, August 28, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 27

Let us today enter a word, a truth, which is great significance to all of us, which is called HEALING. Look into this word and ask yourself, are you living in a way you are healing yourself or are you living in a way you are hurting yourself?

Many people are living in a way that hurts them, nevertheless many others too living in a way that is healing them.
How are you living and also be mindful of the healing that you need to go through. Maybe you had a broken relationship, maybe you had something happened. If you contemplate deeply, MAYBE THERE IS HEALING AWAITING.

First you must detect what needs to heal and then you can look for that healing, or allow that healing.

So today be mindful, are you living in a way to bring healing to you or are you living in a way that is creating hurt?

The wise lives in a healing mode, because only when you are healed, there is love, only when there is love, the best out of you comes out and only when the best out of you comes out, YOU ENRICH HUMANITY.

Find out...........

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 26

Self Awareness Centre Quest 26

Lets explore this today, the right attitude to approach this life is to enter it with deep PLAYFULNESS.

Playfulness here doesn't mean carelessness. Playfulness means to participate, without so much worry of the outcome. Playfulness means to engage totally, without creating a wound out of the outcome.

Ask yourself and explore, have you lived playfully, have you brought playfulness into your life, are you a player ???
Its like this, if you really want to enjoy playing football, tennis, golf , you have to become a player, there are times you win, there are times you lose. THE RESULT MUST NOT DISTURB YOUR PARTICIPATION. Most people are caught hold of the result and cannot be playful, they become TOO SERIOUS.Same thing in day to day life, they become to serious, depressed to lead the life.


The moment playfulness enters you, you become such a beautiful person. Love starts flowing. LOVE STARTS OVERFLOWING. Your life becomes bright.

For this to happen, one must grasp the idea, the truth of PLAYFULNESS. Scientist are saying that ENERGY is just a play. Its playing out.

The question is are you a player? Do you have the beauty, the integrity, the insight, the depth to be a player in this life, because if you are not a player in this life, YOU GET PLAYED BY LIFE !

Check how you can bring the quality of playfulness into your day to day life.... SANTHOSAM

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.
Thank-you Jason.
Rgds, Thian Yin

Monday, August 24, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 25

Guys, whenever we do not BREAKTHROUGH, we do not able to transcend our own limitation, when we live in our entrapment, ALL WE CAN DO IS SUPPRESS, thus majority of the humanity live in suppression.

Today pay attention to all that you suppress, and how these suppression rules you ? Suppression is, there is a force trying to breakthrough but you are putting a block on it. Mindful of your own logical reasons on why you need to live in a suppression.

But before that, detect what are you suppressing and why?

Like human being, they have to suppress their emotions. Spiritually speaking, that's nonsense. In society that is an accepted ideas.

Once you have pondered upon your suppression and why, now figure out your own way to free yourself from your own suppression.

Explore this today......

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 24

As for the 24th Quest, draw your attention to the word BREAKTHROUGH. Be very conscious of the BREAKTHROUGH that you need to go through. Most people are not even aware thus it never happens.

So be very conscious of what has to be broken through in your life. Maybe in reality, you need to breakthrough your financial slavery. Maybe internally you have to breakthrough entrapment of your own mind, your blocks and heavies.

Today become crystal clear of that which you need to breakthrough.

Recognize deeply and be totally conscious of the BREAKTHROUGH, YOU NEED, for your internal growth and your external growth. Be mindful about this today.....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 23

Today lets pay attention to the MULTIPLE FACES we put on. In the normal world this is called BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT and this is nothing to do with being DIPLOMATIC. Maybe for the sake of society we live in, its correct, but to ourself, we must recognize it and find the fake ones which really draining much of the energy.

Be mindful of the many faces you put on. There are times when you put on many faces, you get confuse of what is your real face. Focus all the faces you put on and how it effects you. How you are this way to this person, how you are that way to that person and bring into attention why do you do that? Why we need to have so many faces? Why we need to project this to this person and project that to that person? Many times we ended up in shitty situations due to this multiple faces and a little feeling emerged in you telling, "I should have been opened up and be truthful".

You see, a mentally and spiritualy strong person doesnt have to be anything to anybody, he is just what he is. So remember, when we are putting many faces, there is WEAKNESS. Something is not right. Something you are not recognizing. Its a disease. Its a collapse of integrity.

What are the price you are paying for your multiple faces? Have you tried showing your real self so far to the world, because the world deserves the real you, the real person whose embodiment is nothing but UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, not the political you. Remember, the moment all these faces end, your inner violent will end. Violent is being forced to be something other than what you are.

Contemplate today on this multiple faces you put on and how it effects you.....

Give it a thought!

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.
Thank-you Jason.
Rgds, Thian Yin.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 22

Lets move on to our next Quest, when you know how things are, when you know how things unfold, when you are grounded to values,nature and true existence, stress disappears. Stress is nothing but expecting or trying to do things beyond ones embodiment.

Stress is "hoping it will rain tomorrow when you have no control over the rain". If you are grounded to the true existence,values and nature, you know you cant demand it. Once you know this truth, this reality and live within it, there is no stress.


Remember, STRESS DISAPPEARS WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND THINGS AS THEY ARE. If you know it takes 12 hours for the tide to come in, there is no need to stress about, surely it will take 12 hours, but if you want it to come in 3 hours, you going to be stress out.

Drive you attention towards this word called STRESS, understand about it and see how you can free yourself from stress ....

...and please, do it without STRESSING YOURSELF :-)

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.
Thank-you Jason.
Rgds, Thian Yin.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 21

The creative person becomes an adventurous person. Only when life is adventure, its is worth living. People living a boring life, they get caught in a small hole and they repeat circling in it. There is no adventure, they don't move out, they sit within, they dare not explore, they dare not find out. These erodes the brain.

To be adventure in living, one must be creative, then life is so beautiful, not a day is a same. Adventure is moving into the unknown. Ask yourself, have you looked upon your life as an adventure or have you made your life a security aboard. If you want to live in ecstasy, in joy, you must go on an adventure.


Think on this today, explore .....

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.
Thank-you Jason.
Rgds, Thian Yin.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 20

In order to live life beautifully, one must become rather creative. Creative is when the brain is alive. HOW CREATIVE ARE YOU IN REGARDS TO YOUR LIFE ?

Creative does not mean you paint, you draw, you sing, no.... Its the style of your living, are you living creatively? Creatively means to be new. Living new without sidelining to the past. The moment you start living creatively, you start recognising that you are a creator, and when you are a creator, for the first time you are an individual, when you are an individual, you are undivided, you are in oneness....

When you are in oneness, you become whole, there comes fulfillment. Ask yourself, have you been creative in your life? Or you just followed what has been said? A creative person is a leader. Un-creative person can just follow.

Contemplate today, have you lived creatively, or how much more creatively can you live?

Make a commitment today, to live a DEEP CREATIVE LIFE in every aspect, so your life can become exciting and fantastic.

Try on........

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.
Thank-you Jason.
Rgds, Thian Yin.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 19

Lets go through an investigation:


What ever you become conscious of, becomes the content of your consciousness. Become very mindful, what are you conscious of ? It is like in a dark room, you shine a light, wherever you shine the light, that comes into your consciousness, into your awareness.

Become very mindful of what you are bringing your light of consciousness to, if your bring your light of consciousness to the ugly part of life, that's all you see. Its like you have a beautiful home but you only choose to light up the toilet, or the garbage bin. This is what human being have done. They have a past and they only light up the miserable part of their past. They do not light up the beautiful part of their past.

Contemplate today, where does your consciousness dwell? This is the secret, WHAT YOU BECOME CONSCIOUS OF, BECOMES YOUR REALITY. You become what you aware of, within. It is all there, you just need to shine your lhight upon them and be what you want.

Choose the content of your consciousness deliberately.....

Give it a try !

Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.
Thank-you Jason.
Rgds, Thian Yin.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 18

Spend sometime today, exploring and break free of a LIE. The LIE is WE PRETEND THINGS ARE OK BEFORE THEY ARE.

Like humanity, there are so much to do, so many conflicts has to end, but many people pretend that everything is OK. On personal level, we do that too, we pretend everything is OK with our self. We pretend to feel everything is OK, so that the mind and heart can find some kind of psychological safety. This is wrong and drains our energy.

The real way to experience psychological safety is to recognize what is not OK, truthfully and have some ability to deal with it.

So, contemplate, how you make things OK before they are OK ? and the reason why..

Look into this today.. Santhosam

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.
Thank-you Jason.
Rgds, Thian Yin.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 17

Quest 17

Spend sometime today,exploring, what does it mean to GIVE? What does it mean to SHARE?

Misunderstanding of this word makes people non-living. If you really investigate human beings, he is nothing but a movement of sharing. He is a flow. So when the day somebody forgets the art of giving, the art of sharing, he actually stops living. All over the world, miseries are in alarming state because people are misers. Head running after business in regards to heart which is looking for living. They refuse to give, they refuse to share. Life only begins when you start sharing.

Be mindful today and see what is giving for you, what is sharing? Sometimes to give a smile, sometimes to say a hello, sometimes to give a Ringgit and sometimes to give the best out of you through your work and its nothing but a process of giving, when the best of you is given and that's the ultimate living.

Have you wander in forest, be close with the nature? Its nothing but a giving mechanism. Its just giving. Yes, it takes, but it takes to GIVE. See how yourself in this?

Because indirectly it will tell you how are you living. If you are unable to share, you are not living but miserable. Contemplate. Santhosam...

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.

Thank-you Jason.

Regards, Thian Yin

Search Within.


The heaven is not somewhere far above in the clouds. It is within you, and for that you don’t need to go to the Ganges or to go to Kaaba. You need to go to yourself. But that is something that no priest of any religion wants you to do, because the moment you do it you get out of all the bondage of religions – Hinduism, Mohammedanism, Christianity – all that seems to be stupid and nonsense. You have found your truth

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 16

Lets get into the 16th Quest.

The word INNER VOICE has been a word existed many thousands of years. Human being have that ability.

Today, find 5 ,10, 20 minutes, sit down and listen to yourself, pay attention to your within, see what it is saying.

It is said that we know everything that is about to happen, we just dont hear our own self. We know what is right for us. We know the action that we must undertake, from moment to moment, we have a inner voice. In the east they call it the INNER GURU. It is like a inner guide, inner compass.

So today try to go towards it, listen to yourself, pay attention to it, when you know how to go to your own inner voice, you do not need any outside help, you become self-sovereign, you become unique to yourself, you will know what to do rightly for you. Great decisions and tremendous change happens then and there for the betterment of yourself thus for the humanity.

Give it a try.......

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness.

Thank-you Jason.

Regards, Thian Yin

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 15

Lets get into the 15th Quest:

Today explore this word MATURITY. The truth about maturity is, only when there is maturity, there is living, there is result, there is fulfillment. Its like when you plant a seed, only when its mature, it gives fruit and flowers. It becomes to its own wholeness.

First, have you been moving towards your own inner maturity? Second, how you dealt with your life in a mature manner?

Connect, understand and see whether you love or choose to participate in rising to complete maturity. In the east, the final maturity is called enlightenment, awakening,moksha. Become aware of your relationship, your participation, your understanding in your own maturity. Would you consider yourself a MATURE person ?

try on........

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks Mr. Jason Ramakrisahnan from Self Awareness Society ( Penang Branch )for sharing his Quest with us. Deligently dwelling within himself meditating and searching within for selfawareness. Thank-you Jason. Rgds, Thian Yin.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 14


Fear is a fact in most people's life. Fear grips us.

The reason why many people do not experience their fear is, they never venture out. Even to be able to be in contact with what they afraid of. For example, if somebody is afraid of swimming, he never goes near the river or the sea. So he thinks that he is not afraid.

Explore today the fears that have hold you and how you live adjusting to this fear. Its like somebody who is afraid of swimming, starts having hobbies outside of anything to do with water, and then he thinks that he is safe, maybe he is, but he has impose a limitation on him, thus the ocean becomes unaccessible to him. Same thing in life, whatever we become afraid of, we block it out, we dont go, so we limit ourself to live within that which never frightens.

Today, grasp and stay focus to see all that which frightens you, all that fears which keeps you from venturing beyond that. Most often, limiting yourself from life experiences because of some fears may ended you up in not becoming WHOLE.

Pay attention to all those fears and how it limits and prevent your growth. Have a self recognition !!

try on........

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 13

This is the 13th QUEST :

Sit silently for a few minutes and Draw your awareness of yourself as a CREATOR. Most of us miss this, that we are Creators. A simple example, even when you smile your creating something, by behaving in a particular way, you are creating something, by thinking some thoughts, your are creating something.

Like some people carry thought that "everybody is hurting me,everybody is hurting me", that thought is creating and that will become real. The awareness to be a CREATOR is to know all these that is happening and to be conscious with the results it produces. As you grow deeper in this awareness, you start becoming aware of your energy field and what this energy field brings to you. What you vibrate and what you attract?

Contemplate today for few minutes for your own creative ability and your own creative nature. See if yourself can recognize yourself as a CREATOR and the moment you become aware of that Creating state, act as a CREATOR today. REMEMBER YOU ARE A CREATOR AND ACT BY IT ! BE VERY CONSCIOUS OF THE THOUGHT, BE VERY CONSCIOUS OF THE RESPONSE. THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST POWER YOU GOT AS A HUMAN BEING AND TODAY MAKE IT A COMMITMENT TO TAKE IT BACK TO YOUR LIFE .....

try on........

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 12

Be mindful, this is the 12th Quest ; WHAT IS MY EXPECTATION TOWARDS SPIRITUALITY?
What is.....?

We all are very much aware of the theory behind expectation and what it can do to us; disappointment.

Many times through various inputs by the masters,we let go of many expectations that binds with us in an attempt to be clear along the path of spirituality. But knowingly or unknowingly, we plant some other seeds of expectation within, along the way. Some expecting enlightenment around the corner, some going after mystical experiences and few looking for siddhis (psychic ability). Even the least you are expecting something, zero the steps towards the UNKNOWN.

How far are you meditating without any expectation?
Be mindful. If you do acknowledge that you got some expectations, how are you going to drop it, destroy the very seed?

Remember, vast volume of destruction is on the way with your every expectation along this journey !

try on........

Monday, August 10, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 11

This is the 11th QUEST, a very simple one : -

Its "towards caring society" question....


list them down accordingly and be mindful on how you are reacting to each one of them. what are the needful to be taken to solve the issues?

going deeper into this question will bring you new ideas and ways to be more creative in handling the issues

try on........

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 10

This is the 10th QUEST : -

Ponder upon this for a while, absorb the meaning of this explanation by Mahan...

" those who are preaching and sharing knowledge learned from books; if they use the knowledge into their life and realise through experience the meaning of what they have studied, they may shine as a mentor,motivator and wisdom leader. if they are not at any account,experiencing and applying what they have studied, they will mislead and starts deceiving unknowingly, the crowd with their false knowledge and serves the people merely as a substitute for many books which they have read, nothing more "


much of the knowledge that we lived upon and shared onto another is not ours. instant realisation by experiences along the way alone is our REAL KNOWLEDGE.
but most often we keep on reading and reading various books, the mind absorbs the beautiful lines and sentences, philosophies and insights but never truly studies,experiments and converts them into real knowledge of enlightened awareness.
in gradual process, this may lead to destruction, ego building up, confusion, conflict of interest and the MOST, energy drain !!

adding to that, what is the main reason behind these captions of Mahan :-

" experiences leading to wisdom"

" book knowledge only capable of serving the hungry stomach"

" having knowledge which is not yours and by books without experimental nature is like carrying heavy loads of animal dungs which will never serve any purpose but draining your energy and strength "


try on........

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 9

This is the 9th QUEST : -

Contemplate on this for today: AM I A JOY TO PEOPLE AROUND ME?

This is an interesting question to ponder upon, since we all are here for humanity and universal peace.
All starts from you, the very being of transformation, transform the world.

Do people longing for your presence?
Do people celebrate their life to the maximum when you are around?
In another word, how happy your immediate family members, friends and relatives when you are with them?

Try asking deeper ; how am i polishing my very being inside and out to be a JOY for everyone.

try on........

Friday, August 7, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 8

This is the 8th QUEST, lets get into this : -

lets contemplate on the word "SMILE" today. how much importance you are giving for "smile" in your life?

people entangled in this hectic life, totally forget about smiling, which is the perfect tool for living and enhancing good relations in this mass community.

a simple smile on our face creates a better ambiance for everyone around us, REMEMBER !

most often we got distracted with our own problems and drop the idea of a "smile" but nevertheless,we always expecting a smile from others in front. why is it so?

check how important it is for you to smile this whole day, be mindful.

you can even try not to smile to few and see what happens.

There's much beyond a simple "SMILE"........

try on........

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 7

This is the 7th QUEST, lets get into this : -

Contemplate today with the word "THANK YOU" . How often do you use this word, wholeheartedly within?
Most often ,what been really given regularly were verbal THANK YOU's and nothing more than that.

Verbally yes, wholeheartedly no....

Check yourself this whole day for ; how much do you thank people, how much do you thank yourself for being the person you are, how much do you thank the Great Masters who have been a guiding light and do you really thank someone from the bottom of your heart?

Be mindful, Gratitude in all forms are definitely a spiritual practice with the essence of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE !

try on........


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 6

This is the 6th QUEST, lets ponder on this : -

Contemplate, WHERE IS YOUR LOVE FLOWING? where is your energy flowing basically? if you can watch your fantasy, if you can watch your dream, if you can watch your inner movement of desire, you can see where your love is flowing. Is your love moving towards being creative? Is your love moving towards well being of humanity? Is your love moving towards loving another rightly? Or is your love flowing towards destruction? Initial reaction to this question is, "I DONT KNOW" , but the truth is you know. Just watch within you.....

try on........


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 5

This is the 5th QUEST, lets ponder on this : -

" In sankrit, {sickness} is called vyadhi and to go beyond all sickness is samathi {wholeness} . WHAT ARE THE SICKNESS PREVENTING YOU FROM BECOME AWARE OF YOUR WHOLENESS ? contemplate this one by one, start with physical sickness, mental sickness and spiritual sickness.

Most of the time we know we are sick in some way or another but we never take our time and concern to sort things out.

health left uncheck : that's physical sickness
heavies running our life's course : that's mental sickness
faith and loyalty to GURU and CENTRE is 50 - 50 : that's spiritual sickness

try on........


Self Awareness Centre : Quest 4

let get into the 4th QUEST, lets contemplate on this " WHAT IS THE TRUTH THAT YOU ARE LIVING WITH?"

Stop and see for yourself, what is the truth you are facing upon, what is the truth of you. be very mindful today and ask this question. most often,unconsciously we live up to some ideas, dogmas and belief system which was hammered to us in generations, though we been exposed to variations of awareness by GURU. you can even penetrate deeply into the question at last and ask, who am i truthfully ?

try on........


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Self Awareness Centre : Quest 3

Self Awareness Centre Quest 3

Quest 3

Let comtemplate on this...


Most of the time we are not. We tend to look to others, afraid of making changes
simply because someone would say something.

With all the techniques taughts.

We still shy away to participate within to bring the best.
This is the time for you to ponder that you are involve in the making of you.

Are you carving yourself to the way that you want to be in complete ' freedom '?
Which was given to you through the courses and initiation.

try on........

SANTHOSAM!!! ‎(‎ ‎(‎: "Attachment added."