Tuesday, September 29, 2009



That is what bliss is, satchitananda. Bliss is not happiness, because happiness has a certain excitement in it — it is feverish. Sooner or later you will be tired of it; it is unnatural. Sooner or later you will have to change, you will have to become unhappy. Bliss is neither; it is neither negative nor positive — it is transcendental, it is beyond duality. One remains tranquil, calm, quiet, centered. Whatsoever happens, good or bad, one accepts both because one knows life is both.
- The Beloved, Vol 2, Chapter #4

Ecstasy is our very nature; not to be ecstatic is simply unnecessary. To be ecstatic is natural, spontaneous. It needs no effort to be ecstatic, it needs great effort to be miserable. That’s why you look so tired, because misery is really hard work; to maintain it is really difficult, because you are doing something against nature. You are going upstream — that’s what misery is.

And what is bliss? Going with the river — so much so that the distinction between you and the river is simply lost. You are the river. How can it be difficult? To go with the river no swimming is needed; you simply float with the river and the river takes you to the ocean. The river is already going to the ocean.
Life is a river. Don’t push it and you will not be miserable. The art of not pushing the river of life is sannyas.
- The Book of Wisdom, Chapter #4

Bliss is true happiness. What you call happiness is just misery in disguise. What you call happiness is nothing but entertainment, pleasure. It is momentary — it cannot be true. Truth has to have one quality, and the quality is of eternity. If something is true it is eternal; if it is untrue it is momentary.
True happiness is found only when the mind completely ceases functioning. It does not come from the outside. It wells up within your own being, it starts overflowing you. You become luminous. You become a fountain of bliss.
- The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Chapter #7

Whenever some bliss happens, trust it, and go in that direction…and you will be moving towards God. Bliss is his fragrance. If you can follow bliss, you will never go astray. If you follow bliss, you will be following nature. And if you are natural, blissful, relaxed, wisdom arises.
- The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Chapter #7

When the ocean falls in the dewdrop, the dewdrop disappears, its boundaries disappear. It becomes as unbounded as the ocean itself; it becomes oceanic.
Bliss is an oceanic state… when you disappear as an ego, bounded, small, and become huge, enormous, as huge and enormous as the universe itself.
- The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Chapter #1

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